Road to Fibo 2024
Begin: 25-01-2024 Weight: 103.3kg
Goal: Achieve my best condition ever ( 46 years old)
Cycle From PSL
Test E 2100mg week
Tren 1400mg week
Masteron 1400mg week
Winstrol oral100mg day
Superdrol 30mtg day
T4 100mncg day
t3 12,5mcg day
Clenbuterol 120mch day
Proviron 50mg day ( maybe 100 ? )
Exemestano 25mcg day
Raloxifen 60mg day
Dostinex 0,25mcg 2x week
HGH 10ius before bed and 10ius fasted morning
IGF 200ius pre workout
Telmisartan 8mg day
Ursafalk ( liver protect)
6 Meals
450gr protein
200gr carbs per day
Zero fats
Water 6 liters
Sleep 8/9 Hours ( i need more to fully recover but a lot of work to do )
Monday: Chest + Triceps
Tuesday: Back + Biceps
Wednesday: REST
Thursday: Shoulders
Friday: Arms
Saturday: Legs
Sunday: REST
* 6 exercises of 4 sets for chest , back and legs , 4 for shoulders, biceps and triceps .
* reps from 6 to 15 , some exercises i go heavier others lighter butg always focus on slow negatives, full contraction , squeeze.
Never train more than 3 days in a row , and no more than 5x week
Cardio: ZERO
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